Miami Airport MIA Terminal and Concourses

Miami Airport Terminal Maps

Miami Airport Terminal Maps including Google Map

Miami International Airport Terminal Information

Click Terminal Infomation to get the most details

  • Miami Airport MIA has 1 Terminal
  • Miami Airport MIA has 8 Concourses
    • Concourse A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
  • MIA Airport has about 164 Gate
  • Concourse D is the largest and has 51 gates

Miami Airport Terminal Maps

Google map of the terminals at Miami Airport MIA

Google map of the Miami Airport terminal Maps

Distances from Miami Airport MIA Places and attractions

FromDistance Miles
836 Expressway1
Coral Gables3
826 Expressway4
International Mall5
Koger Center5
Miami Free Zone5
Bayside Market6
Coconut Grove6
Port of Miami6
Dadeland Mall9
Pro Player Football Stadium Miami Dolphins20
Transportation from Miami Airport MIAApprox Cost $
The average taxi fare to downtown Miami$22.50
The average public transportation fare to downtown Miami$7.50